Family JAMboree

Basketball, photobooths, face painting, moon bounces, caricature artists, and so much more - all in one place at Entertainment and Sports Arena. Family JAMboree is fun for the whole fam, on a budget. NEW THIS YEAR: Kids under 12 FREE with adult ticket purchase!
This season there will be THREE Family JAMboree games at Entertainment & Sports Arena. The perfect opportunity for DC-area fans and families to come out to a game that also provides numerous free activities for kids to participate in on the concourse. This is a great chance for young kids to have their first experience at a basketball game, and gives parents the opportunity to get out of the cold and find a fun way to spend the day.
Family JAMboree is the perfect opportunity for kid's birthdays! Capital City Go-Go Birthday Parties include a free ticket for the birthday kid, special prize packs, videoboard recognition, and much more! Learn more about Go-Go Birthday Parties HERE!